One of the great things about working in the building materials industry is getting to see how lines of traditional building supplies are evolving to suit the needs of property owners on all kinds of levels.
The fact is that even in an industry that is known for being pretty traditional and unbending in the way that business is done (we at BuildDirect are working hard to change things in this area, too), there is a lot of creativity and even artistry in the manufacturing process of many kinds of building materials. For instance, tile flooring is made to create a home or working space that is comfortable and welcoming.
I suppose comfort is a pretty traditional value too.
This brings me to the subject of porcelain that looks like wood flooring. Porcelain tile is acknowledged as a very practical floor and wall covering. Since it is totally impervious to moisture, it is also known as an anti-microbial surface, used traditionally (that word again) in hospitals and commercial kitchens. But, innovations in the porcelain tile manufacturing process has allowed for diverse patterns and subtle texturing. A great example of this is wood grain-patterned porcelain tiles for use in every room in the house or commercial space, bringing them out of the bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.
One huge advantage of porcelain tile that looks like wood floors is that it is (as mentioned) completely waterproof, as well as being dent-proof, fade proof, and resistant to pet traffic too. As great as wood flooring is, there are some places in a home where they are extremely susceptible to these types of wear. In this, wood grain porcelain tile is a great solution.
The use of porcelain tile has expanded into places like living rooms, dining rooms, and kitchens. Lines of porcelain that looks like wood flooring has helped to lift porcelain from its purely practical applications into the realm of the decorative and stylish. Gone are the associations with cold, antiseptic, and impersonal surfaces. And here are the look of organic, warm wood grain. This is a welcoming (and welcome) addition to areas that are not known for a tiled surface.
Click here to shop for Tile that Looks Like Wood Flooring